Traditionally the religious affiliation of the people of Arnold's Cove was the Church of England. The first Arnold’s Cove’s Anglican Church, St. Michael's and All Angels was completed in 1888. In fact, the church, cemetery and first school were all completed in the same year, on land donated by Jonathan Butcher. The school was located where the monument now sits. The second church (the one shown in the photo) was constructed later on the same location. Parishioners purchased their pews for $6.00, with the bishop's chair being donated by the Shaw family. Story has it, there was a leak problem with the steeple and it had to be renovated and made lower. A Mr. Green from Chance Cove was hired to complete the job and while working in Arnold's Cove he stayed with Edgar and Astella Hollett and family.
The first Confirmation at St. Michael's and All Angels was held in September, 1912 with many candidates being adults. One interesting Confirmation occurred on October 31, 1967, yes Halloween night (Centennial year, as well). After the church service, it was customary for the congregation to serve a supper and tea for the visiting bishop and confirmation candidates. With the children dressed appropriately for Confirmation and sporting the Halloween colours, boys dressed in black and girls in white, off they went into the darkness up over Dog Hill to the old two room school which was the center for all social gatherings.
This photo was taken from the back of Mr. George Guy's home.
(Photo submitted by Phyllis (Labelle) Hollett)
The first "Cottage Meeting" ever held in Arnold's Cove was in 1895 in the home of Henry Guy, who had moved there from Grand Bank.
Soon after establishment, the corps built its first Citadel, the "Old Junior Hall". The second building was purchased in 1914 from the Orange Lodge. This structure served until the 1980s when they bought Wadman's Furniture Store and converted it into a church.
The United Church was formed in Arnold's Cove in the late 1960's as a result of the need of approximately sixty United Church families that moved in from Woody Island during Resettlement
The Pentecostal Church came to Arnold's Cove in the late 1960s when resettled members from Woody Island began "cottage meetings" in their homes. The church in Woody Island was moved to Arnold's Cove in 1970.
First Anglican Cemetery and War Memorial Site Municipal Heritage Site, Arnold,s Cove
The First Anglican Cemetery and War Memorial site Municipal Heritage Site is a grassy, fenced area that contains mainly white marble headstones and adjoins the community’s war memorial site, which features a white marble monument. The designation includes all land within the fence surrounding the cemetery, the monuments, grave markers and other physical features contained within, plus the adjoining war memorial monument area.
First Anglican Cemetery is the towns oldest known cemetery and was a part of the first community infrastructure at Arnold's Cove, which included a church, school and circa 1888 cemetery. Neither the church nor school remains today, but the cemetery was used for burials until the Second Anglican Cemetery was established in 1915, and occasionally after that. The First Anglican Cemetery remains on the landscape as a reminder of the community’s early years and its monuments and extant headstones contain important historic and genealogical information. The first burial in Arnold's Cove was Matilda Haynes, wife of Stephen Haynes who died May 17, 1888 , aged 19 years, along with their two infant children.
Jonathan Boutcher is credited with the leading role in the establishment of the first church, school and cemetery in Arnold's Cove, and an inscribed bell from the former Anglican Church has been erected at the First Anglican Cemetery as a monument to his efforts.
The community war memorial was erected in 1921 and adjoins the cemetery at the entrance gateway. This marble monument stands on the former site of the community’s first Church of England church and it memorializes the community’s annual Remembrance Day ceremony.
First Anglican Cemetery’s marble monuments and grave markings set in the grassy, fenced land evokes the 19th to early 20th century period during which it was in use for burials. The style and white marble material of the war memorial monument is visually cohesive with the cemetery. Together, the cemetery and monument form a distinctive landscape feature in a very visible area along Arnold's Cove’s main road, near the Oceanside, in the historic heart of the community.
The Second Anglican Cemetery is a fenced cemetery located off Highliner Drive in the older section of Arnold's Cove, south of the First Anglican Cemetery. It contains more than 50 grave markers, mainly headstones of marble or granite. The designation includes all land within the fence surrounding the cemetery and the grave markers within.
The Second Anglican Cemetery has been designated a municipal heritage site by the Town Of Arnolds Cove because of its spiritual, historic, and aesthetic values.
The cemetery has spiritual values due to its association with the Anglican religion in Arnolds Cove.
The cemetery has historic value as the towns second oldest known Anglican cemetery. It was established in 1915, consecrated by Bishop William Charles while on August 28th 1919, and used for burials into the 1970s.
The Second Anglican Cemetery also has historic value because of its monuments and extant headstones contain historic and genealogical type information. Surnames on the grave markers at this cemetery include; Adams, Anderson, Bolt, Boutcher, Brinson, Brinston, Chick, Cumby, Gilbert, Guy, Holden, Hollett, Hull, Hynes, Kirby, Lockyer, Masters, Peach, Slade, and Warren. Surnames such as Bolt, Cumby, Lockyer, Masters and Slade on the grave markers indicate people who moved from the islands of Placentia Bay during the Resettlement Programme administered by the Newfoundland Government in the 1960s to move residents from outlying communities into growth centres like Arnold's Cove.
The cemetery has aesthetic value because its grave markers of mainly marble and some granite and in tablet or column forms, set in the natural groundcover of the fenced land, evoke the 20th century period which it was used for burials. It is a distinctive landscape feature located along Arnold's Cove’s main road.
Salvation Army Cemetery Municipal Heritage Site, Arnold’s CoveThe Salvation Army Cemetery is located at the western extremity of Arnold’s Cove, off a path at the end of Peach Street In the Guy’s Point area. The fenced cemetery contains more than a dozen markers, mainly of white marble, but also wooden crosses and at least one granite headstone. The designation includes all land within the fence surrounding the cemetery and the grave markers within.
The Salvation Army cemetery at Arnold’s Cove is the first and only cemetery associated specifically with the religious and charitable group In the town, and is one of the oldest cemeteries there. The Salvation Army was established in Arnold’s Cove by the turn of the 20th century. The earliest date of death recorded by headstone is 1911 and the latest is 1973. However, the period during which the cemetery was used for burials may go beyond that range given that there are lilkely unmarked graves that some wooden grave makers have become illegible.
The Salvation Army Cemetery’s extrant grave markers contain historical and genealogical information. One headstone memorializes Henry Guy, who is credited with establishing the Salvation Army in Arnold’s Cove. Henry fished out of Grand Bank, where he was introduced to the Salvation Army. Henry Guy was the grandson of Ambrose Guy, who immigrated to Newfoundland from Marnhull, England around 1820. Other surnames on the headstones at the cemetery are; Eddy, Peach, Guy, Trowbridge and Williams, with about 25 people commemorated in total on about 17 headstones.
Like Henry Guy’s headstone, most of the surviving grave markers in the cemetery are made of white marble, in tablet of column forms. This is in keeping with the forms and materials of headstones popular during the 20th century period to which they date. The grave markers, natural groundcover, and wooden fencing at the perimeter combine to make the Salvation Army Cemetery a special feature of Arnold’s Cove’s cultural landscape.
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